Author: Emma Spielfogel
About this viz: This histogram charts how California Teachers Study participants scored on six PROMIS measures that are designed to assess anxiety, cognitive function, depression, fatigue, pain interference, and social participation. This viz uses PROMIS theta scores, which were generated by using the HealthMeasures Assessment Center scoring service and selecting the default adult calibration population. By using this scoring service, we can see how each participant scored compare to an average US population.
The theta scores are centered around a population mean of 0 with a standard deviation of 1. For example, a score of -1 means that participant scored one standard deviation lower than the population mean.
Stacking these histograms allows us to easily compare and contrast California Teachers Study participant scores across these different domains. Many CTS participants scored lower than the mean for depression (meaning they had lower depression levels on average than the comparison group), and higher than the mean for social participation (meaning they had higher levels of social participation).